
What Is Anemia And Causes It?

Blood is an important medium in which all our organs are submerged to get enough oxygen to work. The blood drives oxygen to different organs and keeps them working. Anemia can disrupt the supply of oxygen. When a person suffers from anemia he/she usually has low levels of hemoglobin levels. The heart also finds it harder to pump blood. 


The lungs are the space that keeps all the oxygen. The alveolar membrane will transfer all the oxygen to the blood to deliver it to the whole body. Blood is the only medium that is on the job of oxygen supply within the body. 


What Causes Anemia


Blood has hemoglobin molecules that carry oxygen molecules with them. Each hemoglobin has four iron molecules attached to it. If one starts to have low levels of iron molecules then it will hinder the oxygen supply, making the person anemic. This answers your question of what causes anemia. 


When there is an insufficient amount of iron left in the body, the body starts using the iron reserves. These iron reserves are used when there is extreme scarcity. When the stored iron reserves are depleted then the body becomes anemic. Let us see how we can overcome iron deficiency by the means of Ayurveda and the ayurvedic treatment for anemia. 


Symptoms of Anemia

The common symptoms of anemia one can observe are –

  1. Headache and fatigued body.
  2. Pale yellow skin color.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Weakness.
  5. WEak joints and joint pain.
  6. Heart palpitations.
  7. Heavy chest.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Cracking tongue.
  10. Feeling excessively pungent on the taste buds.

Ayurvedic Medicine  For Anemia

Ayurveda has all your answers on how to get rid of anemia. The herbal medicine formula will not only treat the disease but will also make you healthy. The treatment comes from the herbs and fruits that we use daily. There are ayurvedic pills and capsules that you can take daily, if you cannot follow home remedies religiously.



Apples are rich in natural sugar like fructose, glucose, carbohydrates, and water. They are high in fibers and have a good amount of potassium. The Rusty color of the fruit that is visible when it’s cut down indicates the presence of iron.

Apple or apple juice can be used to combat iron deficiency that will help treat anemia. Eating apples twice a day for a week can help you to recover from anemia. 


Pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory agents and vitamins A. It has potassium that helps in boosting hemoglobin levels. As our gut cannot absorb the whole of the iron so the vitamins in pomegranate help in iron absorption.

It opens an up-channel for the absorption from iron coming from different sources. It helps in leveraging the blood count. 



Banana is known to promote the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Taking a banana shake or banana daily will help in increasing the blood count. Cut the banana into slices and add some milk, grind it along with some sugar as per your taste. 


Shatavari is filled with nutrients that can combat all the deficiencies that women face during pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer through a lot of deficiencies, iron deficiency is one of them. Shatavri is herbal medicine for anemia not only for women but also for men. 


Beetroot has been used for ages to combat the problem of blood iron loss. It is known to increase blood iron levels. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice will be beneficial for various deficiencies.

However, it is not recommended to take the beetroot juice regularly as it can cause certain problems. Taking it twice or thrice a day will be equally beneficial. 


Haritaki is a herb widely used in Ayurveda in the formulation of Triphala. The herb is recommended for pernicious anemia.

A herb is highly recommended using only after the advice of a medical practitioner. Haritaki should not be used by pregnant women until recommended by an ayurvedic doctor. 

Iron Utensils

Cooking food in iron utensils helps in increasing the iron levels in foods. It is noted that the food cooked in iron vessels has higher levels of iron.

Eating and drinking in copper vessels help in increasing hunger that can help improve digestion as well. 


Anemia is common everywhere due to changing diet and lifestyle. Low levels of iron are the main cause that can hinder the oxygen supply within the body. Iron is the carrier of oxygen molecules within hemoglobin. The deficiency can affect the heart and liver at the same time. Pregnant females also suffer from deficiency of iron and taking healthy food is the best thing they could do to overcome iron deficiency. 


There are Ayurvedic treatments that have a cure for anemia that are available in the forms of pills and medicines. The herbs like Shatavari and others can help treat the disease. One can formulate an ayurvedic medicine by itself with the right doses. 


Authors Detail:-

LUBNA WAHAD is a Health Content Editor with IAO ( India Ayurveda Online) who completed a B.Sc and  M.Sc. in Pharma Chemistry From the University of Lucknow2020.

After completing her Master’s, she did training in a Pharmaceutical company in nectar life science and Also has Work Experienced As a Research Associate In Jubilant Biosys Noida, Having Great Knowledge about Ayurveda and continues to Contributing her expertise to the content.


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