
Triphala Guggulu-80 Tab


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Triphala Guggulu is a mixture of Triphala, Trikatu and Guggulu with a Bhavana of Triphala decoction. Guggulu is unique pills made with the resin of Guggulu, Commiphora Mukul, a relative of myrrh. They are usually used for treating arthritis, nervous system disorders, skin diseases and obesity, many of the same conditions. Triphala Guggulu gets rid of obstructions to the channels and dries out the body. It is helpful in acute arthritis and rheumatism, to control obesity, and for boils, carbuncles, abscesses, sinuses and so on. Benefits & Uses: This threefold treatment is strong medicine for a body clogged and congested by the chronic accumulations of cholesterol and toxins. It penetrates deep to cleanse all tissues, open up blocked channels, and burn away unwanted mucous and fat. It gets to the root of the issue by enhancing and cleaning the digestive system, whose under-activity is the fundamental cause of toxic and stifling accumulations. Triphala Guggulu is one of the best solutions for obesity and high cholesterol. It is the most effective and safe remedy for long term use problems related to the inflammatory condition, from oedema and tumours to piles and lipoma.


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