Stomach Soother(100 gm)


Stomach Soother is a product created to help stabilize gastrointestinal upset and lessen pain.


Bionaturals stomach soother green tea pouch 

Stomach soother is a must-have tea for any stomach aches. The ingredients make this a healthy drink, and plenty of people enjoy it purely for its taste. The soothing flavour makes it easy to drink with an enjoyable minty taste that leaves everyone satisfied and wanting more.

What is Stomach Soother?

Stomach Soother is a product created to help stabilize gastrointestinal upset and lessen pain. It has a unique blend of ingredients that allows the tea to neutralize stomach acids by absorbing them, meaning this will produce a soothing effect. The pouch also contains ginger root powder, which has been shown to bring relief to indigestion and nausea.


Symptoms such as “burning” or “anxiety” will improve within minutes. This is especially important for people who suffer from gastroenteritis or a stomach ache. The Stomach Soother green tea pouch has to go for it because the soothing blend of herbs and soluble nutrients within the capsules works to break down food particles before they reach the gastrointestinal tract, settling stomach discomfort within moments. It can provide you with an energy boost or help boost your metabolism and improve liver function. It is no wonder it is so popular and reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

How to use the product?

When a person experiences stomach pain, many will reach for an over-the-counter product that contains an indigestion formula to help. However, these products are not only expensive and may have chemicals that create an adverse effect on your health and decrease the chance of indigestion problems from occurring in the future. If there is concern about product safety or lack thereof, a natural alternative such as green tea becomes an option. A heated green tea pouch will dissolve and coat the inside of your stomach quickly so you can get relief.


Does the bio-natural green tea pouch cause stomach cramps?

The ingredients are safe for the stomach. With the regular use of this product, you don’t have to worry about cramping.

Would a bio-natural stomach soother be as effective if I took it before bed or breakfast?

Yes, it can be very effective to take bionaturals before bed or coffee/breakfast, even in some cases. However, you need to understand that this is not a complete solution for your problem, and you should be taking care of other issues as well.

What are the ingredients?

The ingredients in Stomach Soother are green tea and essential oils of peppermint, blueberry, and lavender.

Is there any caffeine in the stomach soother?

There is no caffeine in the green tea stomach soother. It is mild and tasty and offers many health benefits to help people feel better.


In the form of a teabag, stomach soother green tea with natural organic ingredients is one of many alternatives for enhancing digestion and aiding healthy weight loss.


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