Karavella(200 gm)


Karavella powder is a natural way to make your skin healthy and vibrant, even after shaving. The leaf is thought to help speed up hair growth, and it also has anti-aging properties that can reduce wrinkles and soothe the eyes.



This product has a long history of being used as a natural remedy in India and offers fantastic health benefits to revolutionize your daily dietary habits. With all the advancements in technology, it is now possible to enjoy Karavella Powder as a natural supplement without having to go through much effort!


These seeds are dried and grinded into a powder to make a sour extract or dry karavella powder. In most recipes of ancient times, it was used for treating digestive problems and curing ulcers.

Bitter Gourd and its Health Positives

As known in India, Bitter Karavella has been traditionally consumed to get relief from several diseases. In folk healing, the herb is recognized for its merits because it features a wide range of health benefits. It helps lower blood sugar levels while also gaining the potential to fight cancer and heart disorders. The plant contains plenty of nutrients, including iron, calcium, vitamin A, which stimulates immune function, and B Vitamins that have an effect on the development of eyesight and reproductive capacities.

Benefits of Karavella Powder on Hair, Skin, Lips, and Eyes

Karavella powder is a natural way to make your skin healthy and vibrant, even after shaving. The leaf is thought to help speed up hair growth, and it also has anti-aging properties that can reduce wrinkles and soothe the eyes.

Active ingredients in Bitter gourd powder

The active ingredients in Bitter gourd include fenugreek, milky latex, and bitter gourd. These ingredients cause digestive system problems in humans and animals by reducing mucosal intestinal tract secretions and resulting in edema, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, or bleeding.


Does karela cause acidity?
Karela is known for its ability to increase the secretion of digestive juices, promote better digestion and absorption, and have a pleasant taste. Its Tikta (bitter), Deepan (appetizer), and Pachan (digestive) properties make it an excellent supplement.

How much bitter gourd should I eat daily?
You can consume about 2-3 ounces daily and one small melon per day—the amount of supplement a doctor would advise.



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