Karappan(90 Tab)


Karappan tablets are an amazing natural supplement and it has a polyherbal formulation that possesses anti-fungal,anti-bacterial, and effective anti-inflammatory properties. It helps detoxify the blood, acts as a blood purifier and stops infections from spreading to different parts of your skin.


Karappan Tablets

Karappan tablets is a formulation that possesses anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties, known to have an effect on the digestive system. The effects associated with this tablet can be observed in cases of dysperosis, and stomach and intestinal disorders. The formula also purifies the blood and removes dark spots through the use of bacteria, fungi and antioxidants such as Psoralea corylifolia, Embellia ribes, etc.

What are the benefits of this product?

Karappan tablets are an amazing natural supplement and it has a polyherbal formulation that possesses anti-fungal,anti-bacterial, and effective anti-inflammatory properties. It helps detoxify the blood, acts as a blood purifier and stops infections from spreading to different parts of your skin. It also modulates inflammatory response, relieves the symptoms of eczema and urticaria, removes dark discolouration from your skin, and prevents the risk of relapse for these types of ailments. It can also help your body optimize its immune response so that it can heal itself naturally.

How does it work?

  • It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
  • It shows an effective anti-inflammatory action.
  • It contains excellent soothing agents to relieve itching.
  • It helps purify the blood and removes the blackish discolouration of the skin.

Key ingredients:

Each tablet contains Balavisarppam, Pamakushta, Cellulitis, Seethapitha(Urticaria), Karappan (Erysipelas), Kandu (Itching).


Adults can take two Karappan tablets three times a day (before meals), and children should take one tablet three times a day.


Karappan Tablet is an ayurvedic tablet that effectively relieves common skin disorders. Its efficacy has been demonstrated and its viability has been stepped up by a few experiments. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, great for reducing the itching of allergic reactions and is effective for soothing skin inflammation.


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