Herbal Growth Oil – 200ML


If you are looking for a hair oil that will help block DHT and protect your hair, Earthiya Herbal Growth Oil may be a perfect choice. Made specifically to promote healthy scalp and hair and optimal hair nourishment. This oil is made of natural ingredients and is beneficial for all hair types. 

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EARTHIYA Onion and Ginger Hair Oil

Earthiya believes in caring for your body from the inside out with their revolutionary Herbal Growth Oil. In their introductory blog post, they cover a wide range of topics related to the oil, including how it can be helpful for hair that is thin compared to others, naturally curly or straight, dry or frizzy. They also mention why it’s important to address scalp problems as early as possible, which could lead to significant hair loss or even baldness.

What is Earthiya’s Herbal Growth Oil?

Earthiya’s Hair Oil is a 100% herbal hair oil that helps protect, restore and keep your hair healthy.

Earthiya onion and Ginger with DHT blocker hair oil is a great way to help improve your scalp health, stop hair loss, and promote growth. This natural product contains natural ingredients like onion and Ginger, which have been known to help block DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss.

Earthy onion and ginger-infused hair oil are weightless, sulfate-free, gluten-free, vegan, and good for your hair. It is a natural remedy for DHT blockers. This duo works together to help control excess oil production and promote healthy hair growth.

Benefits of Earthiya’s Hair Oil:

Earthiya’s hair oil is a natural product designed to help keep your hair healthy and fuller. The oil has been shown to have several beneficial effects, including the suppression of hair growth and the prevention of DHT build-up. Earthiya’s oil also prevents frizz and gives your locks a glossy finish.

Earthiya’s herbal growth oil is a natural DHT blocker that has been used for centuries to keep hair healthy and strong. In addition to helping to prevent hair loss, the oil helps rebuild weakened hair strands, nourish scalps, and restore shine. The oil is also free of synthetic fragrances, so it is ideal for those with sensitive skin.

One of the critical benefits of Earthiya’s hair oil is that it can help to improve overall scalp health. This is because the oil helps fight against scalp infections and repair damage to the follicles. In addition, the oil also helps to promote blood circulation in the scalp and improve hair regeneration.

Another benefit of Earthiya’s hair oil is that it can help regulate scalp oils. This is because the oil locks in moisture and prevents undue accumulation of fats on the scalp. As a result, users can achieve a cleaner appearance with less frizz and flakes.

Finally, one of the critical benefits of Earthiya’s herbal growth oil is that it can help to reduce levels of DHT in the hair. DHT is a hormone responsible for triggering hair loss and other hair-related issues. 

How to Apply and Store Earthiya’s Hair Oil:

Earthiya’s Hair Oil is a beautiful product that can be used on wet and dry hair. You can apply it before bedtime or use it as a leave-in conditioner during the day. It is also easy to store, as you need to pour a small amount into a bottle or container, and you are good to go.

The Earthiya  Herbal Growth Oil is a great way to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny. The oil can be applied to dry or wet hair, and it’s also great for touch-ups between washes. The best way to store the fat is in an airtight container so it doesn’t get oxidized.

Side effects and precautions:

If you are considering using a hair oil with ingredients like earthy onion and Ginger, make sure to read up on the potential side effects and precautions first. These ingredients can be potentially inflammatory and might cause unwanted skin reactions or other problems if applied directly to the skin. Instead, use hair oil products as part of your overall skincare regimen – especially if you have sensitive skin. Also, remember that these ingredients may not be effective at blocking DHT, so be sure to read product reviews or consult a dermatologist before making a decision.

If you are looking for a hair oil that will help block DHT and protect your hair, Earthiya Herbal Growth Oil may be a perfect choice. However, before using this oil, be aware of the side effects and precautions.

Side effects of Earthiya Onion and Ginger with DHT Blocker Hair Oil may include dandruff, scalp flakes, oily hair, thinning hair, scalp sensitivity, and an increase in head size. As with any hair product or treatment, always consult a qualified health professional before starting or continuing use to avoid any potential side effects. Additionally, store Earthiya Onion and Ginger with DHT Blocker Hair Oil away from direct sunlight or heat to prevent spoilage.


  • Being aware of the ingredients and their effects on the body.
  • Storing the product adequately to avoid spoilage.
  • Consult a physician before starting use if you have underlying medical conditions.
  • The manufacturer recommends using the product regularly for the entire six months to see optimal results.
  • Avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight or heat.


Looking for a hair oil that can help block DHT? Look no further than Earthiya’s Herbal Growth oil. For those of you who are concerned about the effects that excess testosterone has on your hair, this oil is perfect for you. Not only does it work to block DHT, but it also nourishes your locks and leaves them feeling soft and luxurious.


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