Aliv Seeds


Garden Cress/ Aliv is one of the significant Medicinal plants and is mainly used in Herbal Medicine. Its root, leaves, seeds, and stem are used. Aliv seeds can cure haematological diseases like folic acid deficiency, anaemia, iron deficiency, etc., and other conditions like aches and pain.



Garden Cress/ Aliv is one of the significant Medicinal plants and is mainly used in Herbal Medicine. Its root, leaves, seeds, and stem are used. It can cure haematological diseases like folic acid deficiency, anaemia, iron deficiency, etc., and other conditions like aches and pain. Garden Cress seeds are high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Aliv seeds also contain essential amino acids, chlorogenic acids, and potentially many other phytonutrients that make garden cress seeds a great addition to your diet.

Benefits of Aliv Seeds

First of all, Garden Cress is also called Lemon Grass or Cilantro. It is a member of the Umbelliferae family with leaves known to have an odour and flavour similar to mint in cooking and medical preparations. The plant has been used acutely as a diuretic, expectorant, anodyne, carminative, bitter tonic, and stimulant carminative. The plant is versatile and offers many healing effects. It can be consumed as a salad, dried, crushed, or cut into cubes and added to flavours in soups. This healthy greenery has many health benefits, from preventing degenerative diseases to boosting the immune system of the body and mind. Aliv is high in fibre and low in calories and fat. It’s good for weight loss too!

Instructions for Planting Garden Cress Seeds

Halim Aliv seeds are used for everything from garnish to main dishes. To adequately grow aliv, water must be applied daily. The soil must be warm for germination, so seeds should be sown in late fall or early spring. The bases should be entirely covered with a thin layer of soil. Overleaf contains instructions on how to plant the seed according to its requirements. Place one pound of seeds in a tray filled with four inches of lightly moistened soil mix. Pour two cups of water into the tray and place it in the oven heated to 160 degrees Fahrenheit for five minutes. Then remove from the oven, cool for ten seconds in cold water, and pour a gallon of potting soil around the tray before planting trays. Plant trays every six feet.


With the increase in technological advances and subsequent innovations, the Halim Aliv garden has made it easier for us to live life with ease. 


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