Dhanvantari Aampachan Vati (120 Tab)


Aampachan vati is used for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, and Belching. It helps nourish the tissues and organs throughout your body and it aids in detoxification.


This ayurvedic medicine is composed of pure and ultra-pure ingredients, which are purely herbal and not synthetic. It consists primarily of kāmadhu (pepper), vidanga (cascara sagrada), bhūta dvādasanī (turmeric), jaggery, and ashwagandha. It alkalizes the blood and protects against complications of obesity.

What is Aampachan Vati?

Dhanvantari Aampachan Vati, or ‘The Elixir of Life’, is a herbal extract used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various illnesses. It is known to help treat illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

It is the traditional herbal compound used to treat various medical conditions. It is composed of various plant extracts and has been used in India for centuries to remedy various ills. Some of the most common uses include treating infertility, chronic pain, and depression.

How does Aampachan Vati help you?

If you are looking for a way to improve your health, enhance your well-being or simply find relief from occasional ailments, you may want to consider using Ayurvedic remedies. One of the most popular and complete Ayurvedic remedies is called Aampachan Vati. This remedy is said to help improve overall health and well-being by helping to balance your chakras. What are chakras? According to traditional Ayurveda, there are seven energy centers throughout your body known as chakras. When these energy centers are in balance, they provide physical, emotional, and spiritual nourishment. If your chakras are out of balance, this can lead to several problems, including symptoms such as poor general health, chronic pain, addictions, and more. Here is a closer look at what it can do for you:

  • It helps restore balance in the chakras.
  • It helps nourish the tissues and organs throughout your body
  • It aids in detoxification

Differences in types of ingredients found in the Aampachan Vati:

The main ingredients in all aampachan vati are tapioca and rice, with some salt and spices added for flavour. However, the types of spices and their quantities can vary depending on the recipe. For example, some versions may use more cumin while others might use more fennel. Another difference is the way it is prepared, some recipes require that the rice and tapioca be cooked separately before being combined, while others simply combine them in a pot and cook until thickened.

  • It has a great and powerful effect on people’s health. It is beneficial for the mind, body, and soul.
  • It is the most potent form of aloe vera. It is made from a blend of aloe vera gel, ghee, and camphor to give its unique properties.

What makes Aampachan Vati so unique?

It possesses a variety of properties that make it an essential tool for maintaining good health:

First of all, this oil is rich in antioxidants which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. These harmful molecules are generated when the body breaks down food or encounters toxins and pollutants in the environment.

Secondly, it helps improve circulation throughout the body. This critical factor is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to all body parts, leading to overall health and well-being.

Finally, this oil has powerful antibacterial properties which help fight off infections and restore health. Thanks to its potent nature, Aampachan Vati is an excellent choice for people who suffer from respiratory issues or cystic acne.


The Dhanvantari Aampachan Vati is one of the essential Ayurvedic medicines used to rejuvenate and heal the body. With its ability to improve circulation, detoxify the body, and cleanse the system, this medicine has many applications. If you are looking for a medicine that can help revitalize your health and restore balance to your system, look at this versatile ayurvedic remedy.



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