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ayurvedic panchakarma

Ayurvedic Panchakarma


In the bustling and often overwhelming pace of modern life, the need for holistic well-being has never been more pronounced. It is in this context that Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing, and its quintessential detoxification process, Panchakarma, have gained significant popularity in the United States. This 2000-word SEO article delves into the essence of Ayurvedic Panchakarma and how it’s transforming wellness in the USA.

1. Understanding Ayurveda and Panchakarma

Ayurveda, often referred to as the “Science of Life,” is an ancient holistic healing system that originated in India over 5000 years ago. It’s based on the principle that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Panchakarma, one of Ayurveda’s core practices, is a comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation therapy. It involves a combination of five treatments aimed at cleansing the body and restoring its natural state of balance.

2. The Rising Popularity of Ayurvedic Panchakarma in the USA

In recent years, Ayurvedic Panchakarma has gained significant traction in the United States, where an increasing number of individuals are seeking holistic approaches to health and well-being. There are several reasons behind its growing popularity:

Stress Management: In a fast-paced society, people are turning to Panchakarma to manage stress and find equilibrium.
Detoxification: The detoxifying properties of Panchakarma resonate with those looking to eliminate toxins and enhance vitality.
Holistic Health: Ayurvedic Panchakarma addresses not just physical but also mental and emotional well-being.

3. The Panchakarma Process

Panchakarma is a highly personalized process, and the treatments are tailored to an individual’s constitution (dosha), imbalances, and health goals. The five primary procedures involved in Panchakarma are:

Vamana (Emesis Therapy): This involves controlled vomiting to eliminate excess mucus, particularly for those with Kapha imbalances.
Virechana (Purgation Therapy): The use of natural laxatives to remove excess Pitta from the body.
Basti (Enema Therapy): Herbal enemas to cleanse the colon and alleviate Vata imbalances.
Nasya (Nasal Administration): Administering herbal oils and medicines through the nose to address various head-related disorders.
Rakta Mokshana (Bloodletting): This is used sparingly to cleanse the blood and treat specific conditions.

4. Benefits of Panchakarma

The benefits of Ayurvedic Panchakarma extend far beyond just detoxification. Some of the advantages include:

Improved Digestion: Panchakarma promotes a healthy digestive system, reducing issues like bloating and indigestion.
Enhanced Immunity: It strengthens the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
Mental Clarity: Many report increased mental clarity and improved concentration after Panchakarma.
Weight Management: Panchakarma can support healthy weight management through toxin removal.

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5. Choosing a Qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner

For a safe and effective Panchakarma experience, it’s crucial to seek a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Look for certifications and experience in Ayurveda, and consider reading client reviews or testimonials.

6. Panchakarma in the USA: What to Expect

Before beginning Panchakarma, you will have a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine your dosha, imbalances, and goals. The treatment plan is then customized to address your specific needs. During the process, you can expect a nurturing environment, wholesome Ayurvedic meals, and a supportive team to guide you through the procedures.

7. Post-Panchakarma Care

After completing a Panchakarma program, it’s essential to maintain the benefits. This involves following a balanced diet, maintaining healthy routines, and incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily life. An experienced Ayurvedic practitioner can provide guidance on post-Panchakarma care.

8. The Future of Ayurvedic Panchakarma in the USA

As holistic health practices continue to gain recognition, Ayurvedic Panchakarma’s future in the United States appears promising. The combination of its ancient wisdom and relevance in contemporary society positions it as a valuable approach to overall wellness.


Ayurvedic Panchakarma is not merely a trend but a profound journey towards well-being that has found its place in the heart of the United States. Its increasing popularity is a testament to the growing awareness of the need for balance and holistic health in the modern world. By embracing Ayurvedic Panchakarma, individuals are unlocking the key to enduring vitality and inner harmony in an increasingly hectic world.


What Is Diabetes

What Is Diabetes?

The most common disease that we see at least one person in every house suffering from is diabetes. The disease has strengthened its roots in most families and the one reason that we could point out is a lifestyle.

Lifestyle is not a thing to take lightly, it can make your health or break you when not taken care of. Let’s know the causes of diabetes. 

What Causes Diabetes?

The causes of Diabetes are known to occur when the pancreas is unable to make enough insulin. The insulin that it produces is not enough to meet the body’s requirements. Insulin assists the glucose to help in metabolism.

The carbohydrate in the food breaks down into glucose that is needed to be utilized by the cell in the form of energy. Insulin assists in this process of energy production. 

Signs Of Diabetes

Here are some major signs of diabetes that are easily evident in a diabetic patient. The signs of diabetes in women are almost the same as the signs in men. The early signs of diabetes to the advanced signs are mentioned below.


Increased Urination: A diabetic patient often feels the urge to pee than a normal person. It can be more than ten times a day. The glucose is usually reabsorbed by the kidneys when it filters the blood.

A diabetic person has more blood sugar levels, and the kidney cannot reabsorb all of it. The body has to get that glucose out and thus the body responds by peeing out that excess glucose. Increased peeing will also increase the urge to drink water giving rise to dyspepsia. 

Hunger: Food that we eat is converted into glucose. Glucose is a source of energy for every cell in the body which needs to be converted in order to use it. Insulin is responsible to assist the body in taking up glucose.

The body is unable to use glucose due to a lack of insulin. When glucose is deprived in the body, it leads to more hunger. 

Slow Healing: It is common during diabetes that the cuts or wounds take longer to heal than normal. The nerve damage that occurs as a result of high blood sugar levels makes it harder for the healing mechanism to work at its normal pace. It thereby slows down the healing process.

Pain: The nerve damage caused by high blood sugar in the body can cause constant pain and numbness in the legs and feet. It can also make one feel that he/she is deprived of energy and is tired. The pain may also occur in other body parts that can be constant pain or numbness. 

Dryness: The dryness in the body can occur leading to itchy skin and even dry mouth. The dry mouth is due to excessive peeing that makes the body go dehydrated. 

Vision: A blurred vision is also a sign of diabetes. The nerve damage and changing levels of fluids in the body can make it difficult for the eye to focus. 

Sudden Weight Loss: The body unable to drive energy from the food will start using the reserves in the body. These reserves may become the reason for your weight loss. 

Ketoacidosis: The problem starts to worsen up when it starts making ketones. The ketones when gets accumulated in the blood at high levels can cause a threat to the patient. 

Types Of Diabetes 

There are three types of diabetes that can affect your daily life.

Type 1: Type 1 diabetes is not restricted to age, it can happen to people of any age. It is evident mostly in children and middle-aged people.

This type of diabetes can deprive you of insulin. It will lead you to get the daily dose of insulin injection to survive. These injections work to take control of the normal levels of glucose in the body.

Type 2: This type of diabetes is more evident in old age and middle age people. In this case, the body has insulin but it cannot make use of it. The disease needs more attention towards lifestyle and activity that you get in every day. 

Gestational( GMD): This kind of diabetes is prevalent in pregnant women. High blood sugar levels are observed in pregnant women but it usually vanishes after the postpartum period. But the problem does not end here. The baby and mother are still placed at high risk of getting diabetes. 


Diabetic is a disease that has set its roots in several houses around the world. The major problem that one faces is with lifestyle. It is also hereditary that can run from generation to generation. There are two types of diabetes that can happen to anyone.

Type 1 and Type 2. There is a third type of diabetes called gestational diabetes that happens in pregnant women, but it only lasts up till pregnancy. 


What Causes Diarrhea

What Causes Diarrhea

What Causes Diarrhea?

Diarrhea can get you swirling around your bathroom many times a day and can be observed quite a few times around the year. The disease is evident with a watery stool that is different from the normal stool.

The problem stays for a few days if not taken care of or it can even stop in one day. But one cannot wait up to a few days for things to get right. As the stool is loose and watery, the excess water is also defecated with it.

Diarrhea comes with dehydration so one cannot stop themselves from taking immediate care to get rid of it. Diarrhea during pregnancy is also common and needs immediate care as constant diarrhea can adversely affect health.


It is a disease that is accompanied by the loss of sodium, potassium, and water. The disease disturbs the whole electrolytic balance of the body. It is the body’s way of telling that something is wrong with it. Herbal medicine for diarrhea can aid in the immediate treatment of the problem.

Common Symptoms Of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can turn chronic if it lasts more than four weeks. The common symptoms as observed in the patients suffering from diarrhea are:

  • Loose and watery stools.
  • Thirst and hunger.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Weight loss. 
  • Pain in the abdomen and frequent cramps.


There can also be a few more symptoms that you can observe other than the ones mentioned above.

Why Does It Happen?

The causes of diarrhea are many. It could be due to ingestion of food or water that is contaminated with parasites, bacteria, E.coli, and viruses. Bloody diarrhea is evident at the time when there is any digestive tract injury.

Diarrhea during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes or it can be due to underlying reasons. It comes along with stool mixed with blood. The other reason one can observe diarrhea is due to:

  • Intolerance to lactose while consuming dairy products.
  • Reaction to certain compositions in a medication.
  • Reaction to mannitol or sorbitol.
  • Food reaction.

Home Remedies For Diarrhea

Diarrhea does have herbal medicine. And they are best because there is no chance of this medicine to make the condition worst. Bringing change in a few of the daily habits can turn into your medication for diarrhea.

Here are some home remedies for you to try before you get to the medicine in your cupboard. 

Bland Diet 

Diarrhea comes with restrictions. To get your stomach right, you need to get your food right. Avoid the food that you think caused the trouble.

Get into a bland diet that is low in fiber and that can help to restore the normal health of your stomach. Fruits like bananas can help to firm up the watery stool during diarrhea. 

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important as diarrhea comes with dehydration. The more you drink water the better is the chance that you will stay away from the bad influence of diarrhea. You can sip a small amount of water whenever you feel or do not feel like drinking water. 

Carom Seed

Carom Seeds helps in comforting the upset stomach. It improves digestion and helps in getting rid of the gas. Gastric issues can also cause abdominal cramps.

You can boil a glass of water in a pan. Drop some carrom seeds into the water not more than a teaspoon. Let the water cool down and then you can sip onto the water to settle down your stomach.


Pomegranate juice gives great results in stopping the loose motion.  You can drink pomegranate for speedy outcomes or can eat the organic product.

In addition to the organic product, pomegranate leaves are compelling in treating free movement. You can likewise utilize pomegranate leaves for treating loose motions. 

Lemon and Mint

The fire in the stomach is at its peak during times of diarrhea. To calm down the fire in the stomach you can take lemon along with mint. It will help to blow down the Agni that is causing the loose motion and making the body dehydrated.

You can prepare a cup of tea by adding tea leaves and lemon along with mint. Sip the tea when you feel a burning sensation running down your stomach due to gastric issues. 


The Bottom Line

Diarrhea is not a simple disease but if not taken care of, can turn chronic. It needs immediate care and attention. Before running into any medical or allopathic medicines that can further complicate the process, you can take care of the problems at home.

Simple home remedies can be used as diarrhea herbal medicine. The most important thing to take care of in this disease is to stay hydrated and eat a portion of food that is easy for your stomach to digest. If you are trying to lay extra pressure on your tummy with heavy eating, it will only complicate the problem.  


Treatment of Kidney Stones

The Treatment Of Kidney Stones

5 Natural Ways For The Treatment of Kidney Stones


The Treatment Of Kidney Stones always differs in multi ways as Kidney Stones are painful as they make the passage of urine painful. The urine carries out the task of removing toxins from the blood via urine. Urine is excreted in small amounts and from time to time from the body.

When a small amount of urine contains a huge amount of waste, it can form crystals. The other solid components like oxalate, calcium, cystine, and phosphate start forming chunks in the kidney. These chunks can vary in size and can pass onto the urinary tract, making it even more painful. 


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Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

  1. Discomfort and extreme pain near the kidneys.
  2. Urine containing blood.
  3. Bad smelling urine.
  4. Discolored urine.
  5. Fever due to extreme pain.
  6. Vomiting and nausea. 

Let’s get straight on to some home remedies to try to lower the chance of kidney stone formation.

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When we hear Water Is Life it also means water is healthy. Water is the best medicine for stone pain.

Drinking a good amount of water can prevent stone formation. It also helps in the dilution of waste in urine and also helps in the easy passage of small size stones.

The stones of small size can easily pass out with urine by drinking a sufficient amount of water. Maintain a habit of 8 – 10 glasses of drinking water or 3 liters a day to avoid problems.

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Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits have known efficacy in treating kidney stones. The citrate helps in the stone breakdown. The large stones can be cut into smaller sizes for easy passage via urine. Citrus can perform such tasks and makes the process less painful.

Add more components in your diet that contain Vit C. Oranges and limes are best to get most of the citrus possible.  

Avoid Sugar

Cut out sugar for cutting out stones. Sugar elevates the level of calcium oxalates which thereby increases the risk of kidney stones. Cutting sugar can solve most of the serious health issues in the body. 

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid and a small amount of citric acid. It promotes the breakage of large size calculi. The large size calculi can even cause breakage in UT while passing from the kidney to the bladder.

Consumption of ACV in regulated doses can reduce the calculi size and protect the UT lining. 

Avoid Meat Proteins

Avoiding meat proteins lowers the risk of calculi formation. The larger intake of meat can elevate the calcium levels thereby lowering the citrate in the body. It can increase the risk of calculi so it is better to avoid them. 

Quick Tips 

  1. Avoid overconsumption of foods rich in oxalates.
  2. Avoid home remedies in case of suffering from high or low blood pressure and pregnancy.
  3. Cutting calcium from daily lives is not a solution. One needs a sufficient amount of calcium to prevent kidney stones.
  4. Never miss on water. 
  5. Level up green vegetables and cut on salts, caffeine, and fats.
  6. Maintain a healthy body weight to avoid different health issues.




An Insight On Depression And How To Cure It Naturally.


Depression is a state of mind that can be associated with a mental disorder. It comes with sadness, mood swings, feeling guilt, lost interest, drained energy, low self-esteem, insomnia, lost concentration, poor diet, etc. Depression is not related to age, it can happen to anyone at any age. The things that trigger such emotions are trauma, stress, anxiety, and other problems.

Depression if left untreated can pose a serious threat to daily life. One can get surrounded by continuous suicidal thoughts that the person finds hard to get rid of. It needs immediate care and counseling to get out of the box created by depression. The best way to get rid of depression is to let your sadness flow out of you. Mediate and give your mind a break from depressing thoughts.


What Are The Common Depression Symptoms?

The common depression symptoms are:


  1. Insomnia, sadness, depressive thoughts.
  2. Anger lost interest, irritation, frustration.
  3. Anxiety, lost focus, fatigue, low energy, and mood swings.
  4. Unexplained pain, stress, energy drainage.
  5. Guilt feeling, low self-esteem, low confidence.
  6. Lost appetite, weight loss, or weight gain.
  7. Cannot make a decision, suicidal thoughts, and self-blame.


Home Remedies For Depression

Home remedies for depression are the best choice when it comes to going for allopathic medicines. Chemical-based medicines are addictive and have side effects. They can make you habitual, a habit hard to get off from.

Here are some depression cures at-home remedies that can help to get rid of depression. However, it is a must to visit a doctor in a serious case.


Ashwagandha is known to combat the symptoms of anxiety and stress. The herb is enriched with anti-inflammatory ingredients that treat anxiety. Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen herb that reduces stress and anxiety.

This is due to its active compounds, which include steroidal lactones, saponins, alkaloids, and withanolides. These compounds provide anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties that help reduce stress from emotional and physical fatigue.

Ashwagandha also balances mood swings and increases


Exercise And Yoga

Exercise can make you feel better. It boosts endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that make people feel good. Regular exercise may also have long-term benefits for people with depression.

All it takes is a little walking every week to get these benefits, Cook says. Any kind of physical activity helps lift your mood by boosting brain dopamine levels and endorphins. However, some exercises are more healing than others for people with adrenal fatigue or who have been depressed for decades.

Unlike other aerobic workouts that raise cortisol levels, like running or CrossFit, yoga lowers cortisol and is a great way to reduce stress.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is another great herb for anxiety. In a recent study, it was found that lavender oil can lower systolic pressure, which is linked to stress. Rub some on your temples or even add some to your bathwater.

Lavender oil is very calming. There is some evidence that lavender can help improve sleep quality. Lavender oil has been shown to reduce the amount of time it takes people to get to sleep and increase their total sleeping time.

A study conducted in 2015 found an association between the use of lavender oil and an increased risk of developing dementia, although it did not establish a causal link.


It contains chemicals called Luteolin and Apigenin which help in relaxing your mind. The anxiety levels decline considerably after drinking Chamomile tea-have 3 cups daily.

It is very simple to de-stress yourself. Deep breathing and meditation can help you achieve inner peace. Drink some warm Turmeric milk or Saffron-honey milk before bedtime, sprinkle a few drops of Lavender essential oil on your pillow.


A lack of sleep can contribute to depression. To get the rest you need: Have a light dinner at least two hours before bedtime to give it time to digest.

Avoid arguments at bedtime. Switch off all gadgets like computers, cell phones, and listen to relaxing music an hour before bedtime which should be by 10 pm.


Eating healthy is a good way to feel better if you have depression. It’s important to watch what you eat, though. If food makes you overeat when you’re depressed, controlling your eating will help you feel better.

There isn’t any definitive information on certain foods that will make the problem go away; Cook says it’s possible that omega-3 fatty acids



Scientists believe that saffron’s effects on serotonin might help explain why it’s been used in traditional medicine to treat depression.

In a study done by the University of Manchester, researchers found that saffron was helpful for people who suffered from depression and had suicidal thoughts.

They decided to analyze five trials to see if there were any other benefits from taking saffron. The results showed that those who took saffron were less likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide.

How To Treat Depression Naturally: A Simple Guide.

In today’s world, people are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of medications and seek natural alternatives. Depression is a common ailment that affects millions of people around the world.

According to research, it is estimated that over 16 million adults in the US alone suffer from anxiety depression every year. The best way to treat depression naturally is through therapy and medication detoxification.

It is a mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loss, anger, frustration, and guilt. Depression can interfere with daily life and relationships.

It’s important to see your doctor if you think you have depression or are worried about someone close to you who may be depressed.

Signs Of Depression In Men

Depression is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people around the world. It is a leading cause of disability and death, and yet it doesn’t have to be this way. Depression can be successfully treated with therapy, medicine, or a combination of both.

The signs of depression in men can be different than the signs of depression in women. Depression is typically considered a “crying disease,” but many times, men who are depressed will struggle with anger issues instead.

Learn how to tell if you or someone you love might have depression and how to get depression treatment.


Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

  • Drinking more or taking drugs.
  • avoiding family or social situations.
  • working obsessively without breaks.
  • finding it hard to keep up with work.
  • family responsibilities.
  • becoming more controlling or abusive in relationships.
  • engaging in risky behavior such as gambling.
  • attempting suicide.


Signs Of Depression In Women

There is a close link between the mind and body. Depression affects the emotional state of both men and women, causing low mood. Women with depression may express this as sadness or anger.

Not all women are in touch with their feelings, or comfortable expressing them. However, when depressed, they may show signs in other ways.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in women.

  • Increased alcohol consumption.
  • Change in sleeping patterns (sleeping more than usual or sleeping less than usual)
  • Overly aggressive behavior toward others
  • Irritability and lack of patience for friends and family members



Mania is a highly energized state with an elevated mood that can occur in bipolar disorder. Mood swings in bipolar disorder go from the lows of depression to the highs of mania, which can last for days or weeks, or months. The good feelings of mania are serious and need medical assessment and treatment.


Natural Remedies For Depression

The natural remedies for depression that help and need no medications are mentioned below.

Surrounding With Good People

The key to overcoming depression is to surround yourself with people who bring you up, not down. If you’re having trouble reaching out to others, consider therapy to help you learn how to interact more effectively.


Keep a regular sleep schedule. Getting enough but not too much sleep is important for staying healthy and balanced. Don’t stay up late one night and then oversleep the next day; this will make depression worse. Also, don’t try to solve problems when you are half-asleep because your brain won’t be able to focus correctly on




Practicing self-compassion is a way to increase your happiness and feelings of fulfillment. Try not to judge yourself during activities; instead, bring yourself back to the present by noticing your negative thoughts. Although you may not be able to avoid self-judgment, you can notice it and gently bring yourself back to the present moment.



The Bottom Line

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that there are several risk factors for depression that may include biological, social, and psychological characteristics. The NIH states that women who are single parents or who have children to care for suffering more stress than others, which may lead to symptoms of depression.


A family history of anxiety depression is more common in women than men. It usually starts between ages 15 and 30, although it can happen at any age. Depression is less likely to be associated with an obvious genetic or hereditary link than other mental illnesses; however, there are some specific genes that have been linked to bipolar disorder.


While some alternative therapies can be beneficial, it is important to remember they are not a substitute for conventional treatments such as psychotherapy and medication.

It is an illness that affects the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. It can lead to low self-esteem, changes in eating habits, sleep disturbance, withdrawal from normal activities. These remedies will answer all your questions about how to get rid of depression. The home remedies mentioned above are depression cures at home.




Kapha Dosha

Kapha Dosha

Kapha In Ayurveda


Ayurvedic medication depends on the possibility that the world is comprised of five components — Aakash (space), Jala (water), Prithvi (earth), Teja (fire), and Vayu (air). The three components in Ayurveda are Vata, pitta, and Kapha.


A mix of every component brings about three touches of humor, or doshas, known as Vata, Kapha, and pitta. These doshas are accepted to be answerable for an individual’s physiological, mental, and passionate wellbeing.


Each individual is said to have a special proportion of each dosha, normally with one standing apart more than the others. For instance, an individual might be generally pitta while another might be for the most part vata. An Ayurvedic expert can assist you with deciding your dosha and deal with questions like what is Kapha.


An individual’s remarkable proportion of vata, Kapha, and pitta is said to characterize their Ayurvedic constitution, a plan to accomplish ideal wellbeing. 


However, there’s little proof to demonstrate the authenticity of doshas, a large number of Ayurveda highlight an absence of studies and financing regarding the matter. Maybe than undermining the training, they accept more exploration ought to be done to help its adequacy. 


What does each dosha resemble? 


In light of hundreds of years of Ayurvedic practice, an Ayurvedic specialist can decide one’s dosha dependent on physical, passion, mental, and conduct attributes. 



Vata comprises most of the two components air and space and is by and large depicted as chilly, light, dry, unpleasant, streaming, and roomy. Harvest time addresses vata for its cool, fresh days. 


Those with the vata dosha are typically portrayed as thin, lively, and inventive. They’re known for breaking new ground yet can turn out to be quickly drawn off track. Likewise, their state of mind is profoundly reliant upon the climate, individuals around them, and the food varieties they eat. 


Qualities: adapt rapidly, exceptionally imaginative, multitasker, sympathetic, adaptable, “in a hurry,” normally thin.


Shortcomings: distracted, restless, temperamental state of mind, can get overpowered effectively, exceptionally touchy to the cold, experiences difficulty dozing, sporadic craving and eating designs, inclined to stomach-related issues and gas, helpless dissemination.


As indicated by Ayurveda, for ideal wellbeing, a vata-predominant individual ought to follow a normal day-by-day schedule, oversee pressure through reflection and other quieting exercises, and keep a warm internal heat level by staying away from chilly climate and burning through warm food varieties and beverages.



Kapha (articulated “kuffa”) depends on the planet and water. It very well may be portrayed as consistent, steady, weighty, slow, cold, and delicate. Spring is known as Kapha season, like many regions of the planet gradually leaves hibernation. 


Individuals with this dosha are depicted as solid, chubby, and mindful. They’re known for keeping things together and being an emotionally supportive network for other people. Kapha-predominant individuals seldom get disturbed, think prior to acting, and carry on with life in a sluggish, intentional way.


Kapha dosha Qualities: sympathetic, mindful, trusting, patient, quiet, savvy, glad, heartfelt, solid bones and joints, sound insusceptible framework.


Shortcomings: inclined to weight acquire, slow digestion, drowsiness, over-dozing, breathing issues (i.e., asthma, sensitivities), the higher danger of coronary illness, bodily fluid development, defenseless to discouragement, needs standard inspiration and support.


For great wellbeing, a Kapha-prevailing individual should zero in on normal exercise, a solid eating regimen, keep a warm internal heat level (e.g., by sitting in a sauna or eating warm food), and set up an ordinary rest routine.




Known for being related to a determined character, the pitta dosha depends on ablaze and water. It’s usually depicted as hot, light, sharp, sleek, fluid, and versatile. Summer is known as pitta season for its radiant, blistering days. 


Individuals with pitta are said to ordinarily have a solid form, be extremely athletic, and fill in as solid pioneers. They’re profoundly energetic, objective arranged, and cutthroat.


Qualities: clever, deliberate, adapt, not really set in stone, aces abilities effectively, powerful urge for progress, solid, normal pioneers, speedy digestion, great flow, sound skin, and hair.


Shortcomings: restless, inclined to struggle, consistently ravenous, mindset swings when eager, inclined to skin break out and irritation, delicate to hot temperatures.


Those with a pitta-predominant dosha should zero in on balance between serious and fun activities and stay away from outrageous hotness (e.g., climate, fiery food). 


Kapha Ayurveda


Regardless of numerous self-revealed examples of overcoming adversity, there’s tiny proof connecting a decent dosha to great wellbeing. 


In spite of this, Ayurvedic medication accepts “like draws in like,” just as that alternate extremes assist an individual with accomplishing equilibrium and concordance. For each dosha, there are suggested food varieties, activities, and way of life practices to accomplish balance. 


Ayurvedic medication energizes entire body mending, which incorporates physical, mental, and enthusiastic wellbeing. This can incorporate practices like yoga, contemplation, careful eating, rest cleanliness, investing energy without help from anyone else and with others, and dealing with your balance between fun and serious activities.


Specifically, it’s prescribed to have an everyday schedule that incorporates these solid ways of life rehearses. In Ayurveda, an ordinary routine is accepted to keep you in a state of harmony with the components and advance great wellbeing.


One-Stop Solution

Kapha doshas have a perfect cure that comes from Ayurveda. The Ayurveda Kapha diet works like medicine to cure Kapha doshas. India Ayurveda Online can help cure problems related to Kapha doshas. Grab the best deals at India Ayurveda Online at the best rates. Make Ayurveda a habit to lead a healthy life. 


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Authors Detail:-


LUBNA WAHAD is a Health Content Editor with IAO ( India Ayurveda Online) who completed a B.Sc and  M.Sc. in Pharma Chemistry From the University of Lucknow2020.

After completing her Master’s, she did training in a Pharmaceutical company in nectar life science and Also has Work Experienced As a Research Associate In Jubilant Biosys Noida, Having Great Knowledge about Ayurveda and continues to Contributing her expertise to the content.



What Is Anemia And Causes It?

Blood is an important medium in which all our organs are submerged to get enough oxygen to work. The blood drives oxygen to different organs and keeps them working. Anemia can disrupt the supply of oxygen. When a person suffers from anemia he/she usually has low levels of hemoglobin levels. The heart also finds it harder to pump blood. 


The lungs are the space that keeps all the oxygen. The alveolar membrane will transfer all the oxygen to the blood to deliver it to the whole body. Blood is the only medium that is on the job of oxygen supply within the body. 


What Causes Anemia


Blood has hemoglobin molecules that carry oxygen molecules with them. Each hemoglobin has four iron molecules attached to it. If one starts to have low levels of iron molecules then it will hinder the oxygen supply, making the person anemic. This answers your question of what causes anemia. 


When there is an insufficient amount of iron left in the body, the body starts using the iron reserves. These iron reserves are used when there is extreme scarcity. When the stored iron reserves are depleted then the body becomes anemic. Let us see how we can overcome iron deficiency by the means of Ayurveda and the ayurvedic treatment for anemia. 


Symptoms of Anemia

The common symptoms of anemia one can observe are –

  1. Headache and fatigued body.
  2. Pale yellow skin color.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Weakness.
  5. WEak joints and joint pain.
  6. Heart palpitations.
  7. Heavy chest.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Cracking tongue.
  10. Feeling excessively pungent on the taste buds.

Ayurvedic Medicine  For Anemia

Ayurveda has all your answers on how to get rid of anemia. The herbal medicine formula will not only treat the disease but will also make you healthy. The treatment comes from the herbs and fruits that we use daily. There are ayurvedic pills and capsules that you can take daily, if you cannot follow home remedies religiously.



Apples are rich in natural sugar like fructose, glucose, carbohydrates, and water. They are high in fibers and have a good amount of potassium. The Rusty color of the fruit that is visible when it’s cut down indicates the presence of iron.

Apple or apple juice can be used to combat iron deficiency that will help treat anemia. Eating apples twice a day for a week can help you to recover from anemia. 


Pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory agents and vitamins A. It has potassium that helps in boosting hemoglobin levels. As our gut cannot absorb the whole of the iron so the vitamins in pomegranate help in iron absorption.

It opens an up-channel for the absorption from iron coming from different sources. It helps in leveraging the blood count. 



Banana is known to promote the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Taking a banana shake or banana daily will help in increasing the blood count. Cut the banana into slices and add some milk, grind it along with some sugar as per your taste. 


Shatavari is filled with nutrients that can combat all the deficiencies that women face during pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer through a lot of deficiencies, iron deficiency is one of them. Shatavri is herbal medicine for anemia not only for women but also for men. 


Beetroot has been used for ages to combat the problem of blood iron loss. It is known to increase blood iron levels. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice will be beneficial for various deficiencies.

However, it is not recommended to take the beetroot juice regularly as it can cause certain problems. Taking it twice or thrice a day will be equally beneficial. 


Haritaki is a herb widely used in Ayurveda in the formulation of Triphala. The herb is recommended for pernicious anemia.

A herb is highly recommended using only after the advice of a medical practitioner. Haritaki should not be used by pregnant women until recommended by an ayurvedic doctor. 

Iron Utensils

Cooking food in iron utensils helps in increasing the iron levels in foods. It is noted that the food cooked in iron vessels has higher levels of iron.

Eating and drinking in copper vessels help in increasing hunger that can help improve digestion as well. 


Anemia is common everywhere due to changing diet and lifestyle. Low levels of iron are the main cause that can hinder the oxygen supply within the body. Iron is the carrier of oxygen molecules within hemoglobin. The deficiency can affect the heart and liver at the same time. Pregnant females also suffer from deficiency of iron and taking healthy food is the best thing they could do to overcome iron deficiency. 


There are Ayurvedic treatments that have a cure for anemia that are available in the forms of pills and medicines. The herbs like Shatavari and others can help treat the disease. One can formulate an ayurvedic medicine by itself with the right doses. 


Authors Detail:-

LUBNA WAHAD is a Health Content Editor with IAO ( India Ayurveda Online) who completed a B.Sc and  M.Sc. in Pharma Chemistry From the University of Lucknow2020.

After completing her Master’s, she did training in a Pharmaceutical company in nectar life science and Also has Work Experienced As a Research Associate In Jubilant Biosys Noida, Having Great Knowledge about Ayurveda and continues to Contributing her expertise to the content.


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Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis Treatment

What Is Osteoarthritis Treatment

Everyone has heard that squealing sound when the two bones rub each other. The sound is evident at the time when the cartilage that acted as a cushion between the two bones starts to wear down. 


The soft cushion that provided support to the bones now starts to bring in the pain. This can be seen when the bones start to age. The areas that are mostly affected are joints of the knee, spines, and hips.

The osteoarthritis treatment is its management as it cannot be treated but can be managed to buy sometime before it damages most of the bone. The quick degeneration of the bones can make them vulnerable to breakage and damage. 

What Is The Best Treatment For Osteoarthritis

If you’re looking for the best Medicine for osteoarthritis treatment then Ayurveda has the solution to your problem.

More than 75% of the problems are treated by bringing the change through one’s lifestyle. Ayurveda favors the improvement of lifestyle and considers it the most important factor to live a disease-free life. 



The anti-inflammatory properties of Boswellia Serrata make it a magical herb for osteoarthritis. The enzyme that causes the formation of inflammatory chemicals is blocked by the herb.

The herbs help in easing the pain and inflammation caused by leukotrienes. Ayurveda prepares medicine for osteoarthritis with Boswellia Serrata along with some other herbs to increase its efficiency. 


The highly potent and efficient herb Ashwagandha is the root solution to most of the diseases found in the human body.

The horse-like smelling herb has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps in relieving the inflammation and swelling around the cartilage area and joints.

It combats the chemical called cyclooxygenase that can be another reason causing the inflamed bones and making the joints suffer.


Shatavari works as a lubricating agent for the worn-out cartilage layer. The women in their elderly age going through menopause can use this to combat the onset of bone weakening. It blocks out TNF- alpha that accelerates the process of cartilage damage.



As we all know Triphala is a combination of three herbs that are potent to treat most bone-related diseases. The three herbs are formulated together so as to act as an anti-inflammatory, lubricator, and protectant. The bones gain strength and flexibility with regular use of ayurvedic medicine. 




Guggulu shows a response to obstruct the path of inflammatory enzyme nuclear factor Kappa B. Swelling and pain in and around the joints becomes a routine when someone’s suffering from OA. But Guggulu, the ayurvedic herb can cure the pain and inflammation that are caused by the wear out of the cartilage.




Osteoarthritis is an issue of concern as it can make your bones vulnerable to damage. The damage caused by the disease cannot be restored but it can be arrested at its current state. Ayurvedic medicine can help in stopping it from causing further damage to the bones.


There are herbs like Shallaki, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Triphala, and Guggulu that can block out the enzyme causing inflammation and pain. Exercising and performing yoga can help increase flexibility and mobility. Yoga also helps in reducing the pain caused by arthritis. 


7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Heart Health

7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Heart Health

7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Heart Health

The heart is the most significant organ of our body, that is caged in our chest, and beats for a lifetime. Heart health is a very important factor for a healthy life.

The healthy functioning of the heart is as vital as other organs of the body. It is responsible for pushing and feeding all the organs in the body with oxygen and blood to work. This tells how important it is for the heart to keep on Pushing without a break. 


In this article, we will learn to keep our hearts healthy and disease-free. 



If you haven’t laid your foot on the yoga mat yet, then it’s time to jump onto one. Be it yoga or exercising, they both are equally meant for the organs like the heart. Inactivity can slow down the Normal pumping rate, making you feel lethargic. Yoga proves to be beneficial for strengthening the heart muscle and increasing the blood flow to various organs. 


Moderate Salt Consumption

Salt may prove to be bad for your heart health. Salt is known to cause problems like coronary heart disease. Fixing your daily salt intake can lead to better heart health. Taking it in adequate amounts will manage the high blood pressure to remain under control.


Eliminate Fats

Fats have a dangerous impact on your heart. It is necessary to eliminate the level of fat intake so that it doesn’t turn out to be perilous. The increased level of bad cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis. The best way to take care of your daily fat intake is to track your eating habits. Switch your fat intake with healthy dry fruits like almonds. It will help you get relief from bad cholesterol. You can either try to avoid or eliminate it slowly out of your diet. 


Go Green

Green does wonder, be it a vegetable or a tea, your body will love both. Green tea refreshes the mind, boosts immunity, and also protects against heart diseases. Add some dry fruits to add extra taste to the tea. Dry fruits like almonds and walnuts aid in taking care of your cardio health. Green vegetables are the healthiest source of getting beneficial vitamins to feed your body. 


Keep Working

Resting is essential but, no activity makes you dull and can badly affect your heart health. If you got a desk job, take breaks to get moving. Get out for a walk in the evenings with your pets. Perform some stretching while walking or running. Take the stairs without thinking about the elevator. Get your house chores done, be it mopping or brooming, all by yourself. Do some aerobics or engage in dancing and playing with kids. This will keep your heart and soul happy.  


Laughing Therapy

Laughing Therapy is another kind of stress healing exercise. Stress is reported as the dominant cause of most of the problems in the body. Combating stress can give your heart a long life. You can join a group of people doing laughing Therapy in a park. Laugh out your worries, watch series, shows, and movies that make you laugh. Laughing out worries will bring a glow to the face, and your heart will love it.  


Know What To Eat

A healthy heart needs healthy food. It always matters what you eat and how much you eat. Stuffing oneself with food, filling every inch of your stomach and esophagus, won’t help. Get up from the table while you still have a bit of hunger left inside you. Stick to veggies rather than running towards meat. Add veggies rich in vitamins and minerals. Don’t fill your tummy with junk. It’s always good to have cheat days but don’t overcheat it.


Quick Tips

  1. Always keep track of your cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. As we all know moderation is the key, use this key to stay healthy.
  2. To let your heart breathe, you need to quit smoking. Be it smoking or passive smoking, both are killing your heart slowly. Don’t set the alarm for quitting a bad habit till the time it gets worse.
  3. Don’t stuff every inch of your stomach. Eating in moderation is also important. 
  4. Stress is the silent killer. Kill it before it kills you. Do activities that help you forget the stress and enjoy life.
  5. Get social, breathe, play, walk, and exercise. Interacting with people, spending quality time with family, and giving time to yourself is the best you can do for your body.
  6. Laugh out your problems and become your own best friend. Worrying less will increase your lifespan. Worry less, live more.
  7. Laziness is home to satin thought. Keep pulling until you are ready to get rest. Getting rest is not an option until you have done enough activity for the day.


Authors Detail:-

LUBNA WAHAD is a Health Content Editor with IAO ( India Ayurveda Online) who completed a B.Sc and  M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry From the University of Lucknow 2020.

After completing her Master’s, she did training in a Pharmaceutical company in Nectar Life Science and Also has Work Experience as a Research Associate In Jubilant Biosys Noida, Having Great Knowledge about Ayurveda, continues to Contribute her expertise to the content.

Types of Tea

Type of Tea

5 Types Of Tea 

No matter what type of tea you choose, the mother of all tea remains the same. Camellia sinensis has the credit for all common types of tea available. The taste and flavor of all the tea change according to the names assigned. They all have a common origin. The differentiating factor here comes upon how they are processed. Tea has its own history from its use and popularity. At some places, people don’t consider getting out to work without a cup of tea. In other, it is used as medicine, taken eventually. 


Now we will talk about the 5 types of tea that are common and are the best type of tea for weight loss.

Green Tea

Green tea has its origin in Japan and China. Green tea is considered the best type of tea for weight loss. The two have their own technique of preparing the blend of green tea. Green tea uses a method of steam-fired or pan-fired to prevent its oxidation. These methods are native to Japan and China. The process reduces the amount of caffeine present in the tea. Green tea has an earthy fragrance with a grassy flavor. The Japanese tradition also involves the use of Kukicha, Sencha, and Gyokuro. The Chinese green tea includes Gunpowder, Dragon Well, and Chun Mee.


Herbal Tea

The distinguishing feature of herbal teas is that they are not derived from Camellia sinensis. They are a blend of different herbs and spices with numerous health benefits. These herbs are not only beneficial for health but also have a refreshing flavor. The common types of tea that include herbal blends are lemongrass, ginger, and chamomile. Herbal tea is the best type of tea of all. 


Black Tea

Black tea was introduced in India and China. The two countries have a slight difference in the tea manufacturing process. Indian black tea is often stronger than the tea processed in China, which means they are high in caffeine. It involves oxidation to make it stronger. Indian black tea is usually taken with milk and some sweetening agents. While Chinese tradition doesn’t prefer adding anything extra to it. 


White Tea

White tea has its roots in China. Leaves of Camellia sinensis in white tea are less processed, which gives it a delicately fruity and floral flavor. The tea does not undergo the procedure of firing and oxidation. The leaves are left to dry without any additional process to dry out the moisture. White tea is a mild tea with lesser caffeine content. 


Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea generally spends little time under oxidation. The oolong tea originated in Taiwan. The level of oxidation the tea has gone through determines the flavor of the tea. The process to prepare the tea is repeated several times to get its savor. It involves the use of heat to halt oxidation. Oolong tea is considered the best type of tea for beginners.


As We all know now that all tea comes from the same mother plant, Camellia sinensis. The distinguishing feature is the way they are processed. The processing factor determines their aroma and flavor. The number of caffeine levels up goes down based on the processing. 




Authors Detail:-

LUBNA WAHAD is a Health Content Editor with IAO ( India Ayurveda Online) who completed a B.Sc and  M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry From the University of Lucknow 2020.

After completing her Master’s, she did training in a Pharmaceutical company in Nectar Life Science and Also has Work Experience as a Research Associate In Jubilant Biosys Noida, Having Great Knowledge about Ayurveda, continues to Contribute her expertise to the content.