
Zandu Pancharishta is a powerful herbal formulation that offers you relief from different ailments, including heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, ulceration in the duodenum, breathlessness, and indigestion.


Zandu Pancharishta Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic Zandu Ayurveda

Digestive and gastric issues plague most of the daily activities of humans. However, an excellent ayurvedic remedy like Zandu Pancharishta can be a sustainable solution for you to get cured without breaking the bank! Discover some more ways this great product can solve your digestive problems.

What is Zandu Pancharishta?

Zandu Pancharishta is an Ayurvedic medicine that is used as a digestive tonic. It balances the natural pulse of life by balancing the doshas. This results in healthy skin, eyesight, and body and supplies more vigour for the mind and soul.

How does Zandu help with digestion?

Ayurveda is the traditional Indian medical system known for its herbs, diet, dietary supplements, and other natural methods to maintain good health. One particular herbal supplement is Zandu Pancharishta which has been proven to aid in digestion by soothing the digestive tract. In addition, Zandu follows the principle that pain from meridians can be relieved by Ushna, one of the main ingredients in Zandu. According to Ayurveda, using Zandu regularly can significantly improve the health and quality of life at various stages of life.

What ingredients are inside Zandu?

Zandu Pancharishta is an ayurvedic creation that uses 21 ingredients to repair the digestive system and its vital functions. The ingredients include spices and other helpful items like husk, horsetail, cowpeas, nutgrass, etc. Zandu is a top-rated product in India and can be found in many stores around the country. It contains sugar, magnesium, coconut oil, and other ingredients. It has a soothing taste. In addition, Zandu contains turmeric, cumin, coriander, summer savoury, cardamom pod, licorice root, and black pepper.

Specific Conditions that Zandus can help with:

Zandu Pancharishta is a powerful herbal formulation prepared according to Ayurvedic principles. It consists of a blend of herbs that offer you relief from different ailments, including heartburn, acid reflux,  ulceration in the duodenum, breathlessness, and indigestion. The main ingredient that makes it potent is shunting guide, which has anti-spitting properties. Zandu Pancharishta Ayurvedic Digestive Tonic relieves incontinence, wind, cold, diarrhoea, flatulence, and daily benefits. 

How to use Zandu for the easiest benefits?

There are various ways to use Zandu digestive tonic. Some of which include drinking a teaspoon of it with lemon and honey, eating spoonfuls of it, or mixing it in your grape juice. To get the best results, first, use one week to figure out how much you need and then start taking that amount each day from then on. 


The people who drank the Zandu Ayurveda Pancharishta had an 88% better memory. In addition, they found that the peculiar taste of Zandu did not induce nausea, anger, or headaches, and it improved brainpower. Zandu is a natural herbal formula with 27 tablets. It shrinks the stomach, relieves gas, and stimulates liver function work. It consists of 16 medicinal herbs and unique Antifungal activity content. In addition, Zandu has a sweet taste that enlivens taste buds continually.


Additional information

Weight 800 g


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