Darjeeling Oolong Tea – 100 gms 40 cups


Darjeeling Oolong is a type of tea that is grown in the Darjeeling district of India. It is one of the most popular tea types and has many benefits. It is high in antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage, which can lead to cancer. It has anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can help reduce inflammation in the body, leading to pain and other health problems. It also has cognitive benefits. This means it can improve your memory and cognitive function. Finally, it has antibacterial properties. This means it can fight off bacteria, which can help prevent infection and illness.

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It is a unique tea that has an edgy and robust taste with a great aroma. Immerse yourself in this unique blend of condiments like cheese, honey, and nuts.

If you’re a tea fan and like drinking bold flavors, then this tea is for you. This tea has a strong taste and smell that will remind you of the mountains.


Darjeeling tea is a type of black tea from the Darjeeling district in India. The tea is known for its floral and sweet flavor, which is due to the high level of catechins found in it. It is a tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis tea plant. The tea is typically a deep green and has a sweet, complex flavor. It is considered to be one of the most highly prized types of teas in China.

If you’re looking for a unique and flavorful tea, you need to try Darjeeling Oolong. This tea is made from Camellia sinensis bushes grown in the Darjeeling district of India. The tea leaves are hand-picked and then oxidized, which gives the tea its distinctive taste. It is usually light-bodied and has a fruity flavor that is perfect for drinking iced or hot.


Darjeeling is a mountain area in north-eastern India known for its oolong tea. Darjeeling comes from the Tibetan word Darjeeling, which means “land of the lord of the mountains.” The history of Darjeeling oolong tea is intertwined with the region’s history and people. 

The first record of tea cultivation in Darjeeling dates back to 1793, when an Englishman, Robert Bruce, planted some tea bushes on the slopes of Mount Harriet. Tea production in Darjeeling only took off after the British introduced commercial cultivation in 1839. By 1900, there were over 1,000 tea gardens in Darjeeling. 

The main variety of tea grown in Darjeeling is oolong. Oolong is a type of tea that is made from four different kinds of leaves: white, green, yellow, and black teas. It is a very high-quality tea because it has a long-lasting flavor and a light golden color. One of the most famous events in the history of this tea was when Queen Victoria visited Mount Harriet in 1879.


Darjeeling Oolong is a type of tea that is grown in the Darjeeling district of India. It is one of the most popular tea types and has many benefits. Here are four of the most important:

  • It is high in antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage, which can lead to cancer.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can help reduce inflammation in the body, leading to pain and other health problems.
  • It also has cognitive benefits. This means it can improve your memory and cognitive function.
  • Finally, it has antibacterial properties. This means it can fight off bacteria, which can help prevent infection and illness.

How to Make Darjeeling Oolong Tea?

Brewing this tea is a delicate process that takes practice to perfect. Follow these tips to get the best results. 

  • Choose suitable leaves. The best Oolong tea comes from young, fresh-picked tea leaves. Avoid older leaves or those that have been treated with pesticides.
  • Boil water carefully. A too-high boil will scorch the tea leaves and ruin their flavor. Use water that is just below boiling temperature.
  • Let the tea steep for the correct amount of time. For a light brew, use about three teaspoons of tea for each cup of water. For a more robust cup, use about two teaspoons of tea for each cup of water.
  • Store your brewed tea properly. Never pour hot tea over ice! Instead, allow the tea to cool completely before serving it in cups or glasses

Side Effects:

The side effects of Darjeeling oolong tea range from mild to severe. The most common side effects of drinking oolong tea include anxiety, indigestion, tiredness, headache, and dizziness. Some people also experience a metallic taste in their mouth, an upset stomach, difficulty breathing, chest pain, and hallucinations.

 Some side effects are more severe than others, and some may only occur in a small percentage of people who drink oolong tea. If you experience any of the following symptoms after consuming oolong tea, be sure to see a doctor: chest pain that does not disappear after taking over-the-counter medications or visiting a hospital; shortness of breath; rapid heartbeat; fever; seizures; or yellowing of the skin or eyes.


Darjeeling Oolong is a well-known black tea that is also considered one of the world’s finest teas. The unique flavor and aroma of this tea make it a popular choice for tea drinkers all over the world. If you are looking for an exotic and flavorful cup of tea, Oolong Tea should be at the top of your list.


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