

Neetle Leaf Extract is rich in antioxidants which are used to slow the degeneration of your cells, they also may prevent cell damage by reducing the number of free radicals.


Neetle leaf

This article takes a deep look at the medicinal uses of neetle and its historical importance across various cultures. The elaborate and intricate portions of the report focus on the human body and its reactions to neetle, including mind-body interactions.

What Are Neetle Leaves?

Neetle leaves have been used since ancient times in medicine. They have many antioxidants, vitamin A and C. These leaves are typically used to treat haemorrhoids, rid the body of mucus, and treat diarrhoea. Side effects of using nettle leaves are soreness and yellowing of the skin. Despite its side effects, nettle leaf has been proven to be beneficial because it has anti-inflammatory properties and pain-relieving drug interactions with ibuprofen.


Neetle Leaf Extract is rich in antioxidants which are used to slow the degeneration of your cells, they also may prevent cell damage by reducing the number of free radicals. Vitamin C extract is one of the most famous and popular anti-oxidants that helps boost healthy cell regeneration in many areas of your body. It’s helped prevent many types of cancer such as breast and colorectal cancer.


Neetle leaves are rich in calcium, iron, and other minerals, along with vitamins and antioxidants. It’s good for your heart, your blood pressure, as well as your bones and skin.

How to Use Neetle Leaves?

Herbalists and natural health practitioners use nettle leaves as they work well in various ways. They’re often used to make tea and tinctures for medicinal properties but can also be lit on fire for other uses. When burnt, the leaves turn into a healthy smoke that could even be inhaled or placed on a chapped lip.

How to make Nettle Leaves tea?

To make nettle leaf tea, simply bring 10 ounces of water to a boil and steep 1 tablespoon of fresh (or 1 teaspoon of dried) nettle leaves for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, strain out the leaves from the tea before adding any sugar or honey. 

Herbs to Combine With Nettle Leaves

A few herbs are good partners with nettle leaves in both cooking and medicine. None doesn’t need to be added. The best herb to combine with nettle leaves is garlic because it creates a hot and spicy flavour. A more delicate herb such as lemongrass, rosemary, or basil wouldn’t go well with the nettle leaves but is still an excellent addition.


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