Sitopaladi Churna(100 gm)


Herbal formulation Sitopaladi Churna helps cure mucous, bad breath, fever, leucorrhoea, piles, boils, etc. and also decreases pain caused by cancer and minor arthritis.


Dabur Sitopaladi Churna

Dabur Sitopaladi Churna is an ayurvedic medicine for colds and coughs. It is made from medicinal plants like Pippali, one of the best expectorants available in nature as recommended by Indian Ayurved. In this article, learn how to make churna with this natural ingredient at home with easy tips!

What is Sitopaladi Churna?

In Sanskrit, the name Sitopaladi translates to “six-ocean”. This churna is a specific ayurvedic formulation that has 6,000 mg of sitrospine. The ayurvedic tradition dates back to around 5000 BC and describes as a rejuvenating natural tonic.

Salai Churna is a herbal formulation that has been around for hundreds of years. It is obtained by heating the roots and leaves of the Maireya botanical plant to certain temperatures to decoct the active principles contained within them. This type of churna is used primarily for its healing properties, such as enhancing gut health, improving individual metabolism, and purifying the body from toxins and impurities. Dabur Sitopaladi Churna is an ayurvedic formula with incredible overall healing properties for individuals who spend too much time indoors.


Dabur Sitopaladi Churna is a very popular ayurvedic medicine. It is made from the bark of the Indian Frankincense tree, honey, Indian gooseberry, turmeric and ginger. The ingredients are mixed in a certain ratio by an experienced practitioner and turned into a paste sold as a medicine.

How does it work?

The Indian herb, Sitopaladi churna, is commonly known as “miracle churna”. It’s a mix of neem, myrobalan and solidified tamarind juice mixed with sugar and oil that burns forever. After the mixture has been infused, it produces heat in a radius of X cm after being strung in a wound of string. This delicious medicinal drink is distributed by the Satwik Society and has a number of benefits – it increases bleeding while decreasing vomiting, swelling or rigour Mortis.

Uses and Benefits

Sitopaladi Churna has many health benefits. It comprises more than 100 medicinal herbs, and it’s known to fight heart disease. The most important benefit of Sitopaladi Churna is its ability to remove free radicals that cause brain diseases, tumours and premature ageing in humans.


Dabur Sitopolyadi Churna is prepared by boiling 250 gms of “tulsi” in one litre of water for 10 minutes or so. The churna, which is then strained, cooled, and bottled, contains 50 – 100 mg of sitopaladi tulsi powder per bottle. It is used to maintain a healthy respiratory system and ulcers. It also takes care of coughs and colds, sinusitis and asthma attacks.

Side Effects

Sitopaladi churna has many side effects. Those side effects are as follows;
1) It is believed that sitopaladi churna causes dizziness and sometimes blackouts occasioned by a fall.
2) One of the side effects may cause blood clots in veins causing menstruation delay or irregularity.
3) It is also said that sitopaladi churna should not be taken when symptoms of constipation are present; it should not be taken a few days before surgery, during pregnancy, at certain times of the month, and immediately after a major operation.


The benefits of this churna are numerous. It helps cure mucous, bad breath, fever, leucorrhoea, piles, boils, etc. It also decreases the effect of pain caused by cancer and minor arthritis. In addition to its medicinal properties, Sitopaladi Churna is a stimulant and a blood cleanser that removes toxins from the blood hence providing even better health benefits.


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