Kayakalpa(100 gm)


Kayakalpa Powder is a substance that relaxes the nerves and relieves headaches and other forms of migraines.


Bogar Kaya Kalpa Chooranam – Kayakalpa Powder

Bogar kaya is an ayurvedic herb believed to have high potency against anaemia, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. This article talks about the benefits of this herbal powder when taken with other herbs, how its makers are selling it, and some pharmaceutical companies. It also mentions specifications of the product, types like they are included in the list of ingredients, and viewpoints from a private practitioner.

Who can use Kaya Kalpa Chooranam?

Kayakalpa Powder is a substance that relaxes the nerves and relieves headaches and other forms of migraines. It can be rubbed onto the forehead or golis, and when they’re done, it may be ingested through sipping water. Khasi tribes in northeast India use this powder as part of their final curing ritual for Baguli Thang-Skout ceremonies.

Benefits of Kaya Kalpa Chooranam

Kaya Kalpa Chooranam is helpful in many ways. First of all, it can benefit those searching for a spell to attain long-lasting health. It can also help the body recover quickly from the shock of an injury or surgery. When applied to the wound, Kaya Kalpa Chooranam will speed up the healing process. Finally, it helps to ward off disease.

How to make this powder at home?

Kayakalpa powder is a product that can help with various skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. It works well when paired with turmeric paste to moisturize the skin. To make the turmeric paste:

  1. Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of Kayakalpa powder and water.
  2. Blend until the mixture smooths out (to avoid lumps).
  3. Apply this mixture to the irritated lesions overnight.


Kayakalpa powder helps in disease prevention, nourishes our hair, teeth, and skin and can even heal wounds. 


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