Conolidine Drops( Myaxyl oil) -60 ml


Conolidine Drops is an ancient traditional Ayurveda medicine that revitalizes tired eyes, reduces dark circles and dangerously brightens eyes.


Kerala Ayurveda Myaxyl Oil/ Conolidine Drops

Conolidine Drops is an ancient traditional Ayurveda medicine that has been rejuvenated for the modern, non-Ayurvedic generation. Tamil Nadu’s Ayurvedic Research Foundation, which has been innovating in the health industry since 9920, introduced this product to cater to a wide range of wellness needs.

What is Kerala Ayurveda Myaxyl Oil?

Kerala Ayurveda Conolidine Drops is the best night solution. It revitalizes tired eyes, reduces dark circles and dangerously brightens eyes. It can be used for any skin type and for children too. Keep in mind that it should not be used with any other active ingredients like acne medications or anti-ageing products, lest it may irritate the skin and cause breakouts.


Conolidine Drop’s prime property is skin regeneration and repair properties. It is free from alcohol, parabens, sulfates, and other chemicals. In addition to this, Mycahyl oil has effectively healed many skin conditions like acne and psoriasis by caring for damaged dry and rough skin.

Using Kerala Ayurveda Myaxyl Oil

Conolidine Drops have been thoroughly tested to ensure that it is safe, and the company also uses only natural ingredients in their product. No synthetic preservatives or artificial colours are present in the formulation, so users are ensured safety from a product without any potentially harmful chemicals.

Ingredients and Effects

Maxy is an oil that has the power to heal. The bark of certain trees is combined and stored in coconut oil for maximum healing effect. When used, myaxyl oil leaves no side effects because it does not interfere with the body’s natural functions.


India has a reputation for generating and producing some of the best Ayurveda Myaxyl Oil globally. A quick search on Google or TripAdvisor returns many links that mention this great resource, and people still report back with positive experiences when they visit Kerala, India. If you have tried Ayurveda Myaxyl Oil before, you will know how efficient the product can be.


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