Vrikshamla(60 Tab)


Himalaya Vrikshamla is a weight loss supplement that claims to make weight loss fast, effortless, and permanent.


Himalaya Vrikshamla Weight Wellness

If you’ve ever tried to diet and just haven’t been able to keep your focus on healthy eating, then vanquish those tired cravings with Himalaya Vrikshamla Weight Wellness. It can help increase the availability of serotonin, an important chemical that helps reduce overeating and encourages satiety.

What is Himalaya Vrikshamla?

Himalaya Vrikshamla is a weight loss supplement that claims to make weight loss fast, effortless, and permanent. They claim to provide electrolytes and minerals to help your body burn calories more effectively. It also provides your body with antioxidants from the 30 herbs it contains.


In Himalaya Vrikshamla, there are many herbs such as curry leaves, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, aniseed flavour, mustard seeds and coconut. These herbs have various benefits and can provide calmness in your body which will help reduce inflammation. The advantage it gives is that it helps slow down the accumulation of fat on our belly without negative side effects.


Himalaya’s this supplement has five main benefits for those who choose to follow the guidelines it offers. These benefits include weight reduction, sleeping well (allowing a higher amount of sleep), heart health, stress and anxiety-reduction, and mood elevation. It also includes a newsletter so followers can stay informed about how things are going with their weight loss.

How Does it Work?

The Himalaya Vrikshamla Weight Wellness Program is an ideal option for those seeking weight-loss assistance. This tool helps regulate the diet and exercise regimes a person chooses to follow. The community meets every other day for a two-hour meeting that shares these tips on achieving their goals.

Side Effects

It’s common for people to follow a diet recommended by their doctor to lose weight. Losing weight can sometimes come with side effects. For example, it’s possible to have low fibre intake, which could cause constipation and irregular bowel movements. It’s also possible to experience hemolytic anaemia if the person takes too many iron supplements.


The Himalaya Vrikshamla Weight Wellness program is divided into a Fitness Club and an online Membership plugin. The Weight Wellness program is designed to help you find your ideal weight through the Himalaya Vrikshamla Fit Camp program. You will be given personalized quizzes that measure your current health and physical condition to develop a diet plan according to individual needs.


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