Brass Water Bottle(1 litre)


A brass water bottle is a great way to maintain your health. Copper has several health benefits, including preventing and fighting disease. This type of water bottle typically has a wide mouth for easy cleaning, a screw-top lid that can be removed for filling and drinking purposes, as well as a vacuum inside that helps keep the water clean.


HealthGoodsIn – Traveller’s Pure Brass Water Bottle for Ayurvedic Health Benefits

Most of us know that copper has a lot of health benefits, but sadly most of the time, we don’t get enough copper in our diets to reap them. This article lists some Ayurveda-backed water bottles that are perfect for adding more copper, and this includes safe drinking vessels like the HealthGoodsIn Traveller’s Pure Brass Water Bottle.

What are the benefits of brass water bottles?

Copper is a natural element mined and used for thousands of years. This water bottle is made of pure copper, so you can rest knowing that the amount of copper in one bottle is safe. It’s durable, easy to wash, and comes with a lifetime guarantee. The health benefits of copper water bottles are endless. Copper has been found to reduce inflammation and infection while increasing oxygen absorption, which helps to improve energy levels and promotes better sleep.

Most common uses of copper water bottles

A copper water bottle is a great way to maintain your health. Copper has several health benefits, including preventing and fighting disease. This type of water bottle typically has a wide mouth for easy cleaning, a screw-top lid that can be removed for filling and drinking purposes, as well as a vacuum inside that helps keep the water clean. First and foremost, brass water bottles are available for kitchen, outdoor, and beauty uses. Copper is also used to reduce inflammation and allergies and improve heart health and brain function. The most common use for copper water bottles is to aid the process of detoxification by carrying away toxins from the body.

Things to consider before using a  brass vessel

A brass vessel is made of copper, usually used for drinking water or cooking. It should be noted that using a copper vessel is not recommended for individuals who have an allergic reaction to nickel. In addition, copper can build up on the inside of the vessel, which should be thoroughly cleaned with vinegar each time you drink from it. There are many benefits of using a copper vessel for water, including antimicrobials.

Important safety information about using a brass water bottle

Copper is a naturally occurring metal that doesn’t react with substances other than oxygen and sulfur. That’s why it has been used for thousands of years to make pots, pans, and cookware. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency recommends against using copper water bottles because they contain trace amounts of lead. The agency also notes that ingesting large quantities of copper can have negative side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.


So, if you are looking for a way to improve your health and quality of life, this is the water bottle for you. It’s good for your taste buds, comes in many different colors, is made from pure copper, and offers many health benefits.


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