Cardisan (40gm)


Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine that consists of different herbs that help alleviate physical and psychological symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, indigestion, and high blood pressure.


Improve the health of your heart with Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna

When it comes to heart health, there is no question what we put in our bodies has a significant effect on how well our heart functions. The article highlights the benefits of Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna for your heart health.

What is Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna?

Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna is a dry churna made of bullock’s bile and the herbs that promote the growth of new cells in the body. It helps reduce high cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels by increasing the amount of HDL cholesterol. Furthermore, it improves brain function by ensuring that all body parts receive enough oxygen.

What does it do?

Many people have struggled with heart problems for one time or another. Symptoms of heart disease can sometimes be challenging to handle, and often the answer is dietary intake. Santulan Churna promises to bring health back to the body. This product is a liquid mix powder that absorbs water, increases your heart’s ability to pump blood, and elevates its capability.

Does this Churna work?

Santulan Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine that consists of different herbs that help alleviate physical and psychological symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, indigestion, and high blood pressure. You can consume this supplement before going to bed. It works to cleanse the heart and improve circulation, which lowers the risk of developing coronary problems and other complications in later life.

Who can use Santulan Cardisan Plus Churna?

Cardisan Plus Churna is meant for everyone who wants to strengthen the cardiovascular system to improve heart health. The supplement has increased oxygen intake, improved coronary blood circulation, and reduced physical pain caused due to arterial stiffness.

When to take it?

It will help if you consider taking Santulan Cardisan Plus as a “go-to” supplement to have on hand and skip healthier supplements, to reduce the risks of other problems like diabetes or high cholesterol.


When your heart muscle has worn itself out due to continuous contraction and over-excitation, Cardisan Plus Churna provides immediate relief in the form of a soothing agent with no side effects.



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